Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Business of Being Born

Quite a few people have told me to watch ''The Business of Being Born,'' a documentary educating people on how most children born in hospitals today are born Moday-Friday, 8-5 and how over 70% of women use a midwife in every modernized country, and less than 8% of women use midwives in the I asked my midwife if I could borrow a copy. So, last night, Zach said: '' what should we do?'' I suggested watching '' The Busniness of Being Born.''...I mean, what better to do than watch a birthing documentary in the middle of the night :) Zach, being so confident and always to the point answered, ''I'm already conviced otherwise, so why the need to watch it...'' I just love him...he is very mych for not usig an OBGYN, as I am! We ended up watching it....I recommend it to every one, especially every mother-to-be. It was so wonderful watching all the amazing and low maintenance home births. It really gives us a different perspective on how things are done in the country. I've always known (since my mom started studying bodies and nutrition) that I wanted to use a midwife, but this confirms everything....same goes for Zach. It is such a wonderful celebration of giving birth, I can't wait! I pray that everything goes well and that there will be no need for a hospital.

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