Friday, September 28, 2012

Sweet life

I don't know what's cuter???? The leggings, the ''snugs'' or the chunky thighs :)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

photo shoot gone crank...

Thought I would ad this part of the 5 month photo shoot....she's not always happy as a clam. :)

Friday, September 7, 2012

5 month love bug

Lil' Sophia is the perfect fit to our family! We adore her in more ways than we could have ever imagined.

Sophia Loves:
smiling at everyone...whether it's her nana, daddy or a complete stranger. If you look at her and smile or make noise. she will giggle and smile back with those precious lil' dimples she has. She loves bath/shower time. Playing with her piano. Going shopping with mama and looking at all the lights and different colors. Being tickeld. When daddy throws her in the air and catches her. kisses on her belly. being outside. listening to herself scream--yes, that is correct. 

Sophia doesn't so much love:
Being in her car seat while awake, this can be hit or miss. I try to plan out my errands right before she is going to fall asleep--this way as soon as I put her in the car, she passes out.

How I'm doing:
Still having to wear lovely nursing tanks with those lovely nursing pads at night. I leak like a leaking sink still :( Approximately 2 pounds away from ''pre baby'' weight, although I feel like I'm smaller than I was pre-baby because I believe I have lost some of my muscle :( I realized really early on that her crying REALLY bothers me. I'm sure no one likes the sound of a crying baby. but I honestly cannot stand it. Other babies crying doesn't bother me one bit, just mine.