Sophia in 3 words:
STRONG!-I think anyone that holds her agrees. She had been strong since day one and keeps getting stronger each day. I have to warn people that hold her for the first time because she will literally jump right out of your arms.
Coordinated-Her hands and eye coordination is a 10!
Precious-Of course I think she is the most precious baby in the world! She is so sweet in every way :)
Sophia Loves:
Laughing and watching her doggies. She loves bath/shower time. Smiling at people she loves and at strangers who smile at her. :) Grabbing anything and everything and putting in her mouth--or at least trying too. Going on walks and looking at the world.
Sophia doesn't so much love:
Sitting on her ERGO carrier facing me. She wants to face the world so I borrowed a front facing carrier from Jen and she loves it! Loud voices. This is too bad because I always said from day one that I wanted to be used to loud voices because our ENTIRE family is loud....but she isn't just having it. Bottles--yep, we pretty much missed the boat on this one. I didn't know I was supposed to introduce her to one before 4 months :) So it looks like its my boob until she's done.
Sophia's Stats:
-weighs 16 pounds or so (according to my scale)
-Wearing 6 month clothes
-Balding on her left side (because that's the side she sleeps on)
-Goes to bed at 9pm, wakes up between 7-9am...with a feeding or two now n then.
-She can almost sit up on her own for more than 10 seconds :)
-She can roll over back n forth and does so often
-She is a drooling machine.