Sophia in 3 words:
Adorable-I can't get over all of the little corky and cute things that she does. I could just stare at her for hours.
Observant-Oh how quickly she is growing and wants to look at everything. I love being able to look at things through her eyes and watch her look at things for the very first time. She doesn't like tummy time so much anymore because she wants to look at the world and not at the ground.
Knows-what-she-wants (ok, that's not a word)--She sure is a ''first born'' if you know what I mean. She will let you know when she wants something. :)
Sophia LOVES:
To be held, kisses, being sung to (even if your voice isn't that great, she loves good humming), to snuggle in the wee hours of the morning, being bounced, to pretend to walk and be held up like she is walking, being tickled on her belly by daddy, making eye contact and playing on her 'play mat' while listening to music and being held outward so she can look at the world in front of her.Yes, her eyes are still blue with a greenish tint. |
Sophia doesn't so much LOVE:
Diaper changes when she first wakes up, falling asleep on her own (however she is getting better at it), the sun in her eyes, tummy time, not being held when she starts to get tired and loud voices.