How far along? 17 weeks!
Baby's size: 5 inches, about the size of a bell pepper
Total Wight Gain: As of friday I weighed 132.2 pounds, which means I have gained 10.2 pounds over my normal weight.
Maternity Clothes: Not yet! I'm lucky that the fashion right now is leggings, long sweaters and baggy shirts :) I've been living in leggings, long shirts and tall boots.
Gender: Find out next week!
Movement: I think I felt my baby kick twice! It's still so new to me that I'm not positive, but my mom says it was the baby!
Sleep: Still have a little insomnia every once in a while and I wake up every night at least 2 times to pee. I'm sleeping about 7 - 10 hours per night.
Symptoms: Not much to complain about anymore. If I have to say something its the waking up at night and peeing ALL THE TIME! Still have a little acne around my chin too.
Best Moments this week: Feeling my mini me kick!
Food Cravings: Everything that is warm..
Food Aversions: Certain smells still really bother me, like if someone burps around me..yuck!
What I miss: my tight jeans!
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the sex!
Milestones: The belly is really growing.
Goal this week: Having something to do..I'm so bored.